Our trees represent life therefore the utmost care is taken with them while under our tending. There is an understanding that our trees are being grown to be more than a tree, they represent love and hope. We strive to produce the best and well cared for tree until it is selected to represent someone special.
Before we deliver your tree, it will be treated with a root booster, which provides them with the nutrients they need when they are planted to become established. Because they are fertilized in our care, we do not recommend fertilizing for the first 30 days to avoid over fertilizing and damaging the tree.
Since trees can show the same stress from under-watering as over-watering, we do recommend that you check the soil for moisture before you water. You do not want to keep the ground too saturated or too dry between watering.
Trees are naturally beautiful and attracting. Which means wildlife will love a new tree in their yard! We provide guards on our trees to help protect from wildlife that has less than good intentions for the tree. The guard will also help protect the base of the tree from any lawn maintenance equipment as well. These can typically be removed after a few years when the tree has become established.